Posted on: 13.02.2023 Posted by: Редакция Comments: 0

Who wouldn’t want an elegant, stylish interior in their home? When you’re remodeling parts of your house, you should consider what hardware you want to use for your faucets and door handles. This way, you can create a home that you enjoy and feel comfortable in, but should they match?

Door handles can match faucets to create a streamlined look throughout the space. However, some designers recommend mixing different metals. If you are using different metals, it’s important to ensure they look good together, especially in a small space like a bathroom.

When you’re redesigning parts of your house, you should consider if the door handles and faucets look good together. They don’t have to be the same metal or color, but they should be coordinated so it doesn’t look like a big mismatch. Keep reading to learn how to choose door handles that match your faucets.

Should Door Hardware and Faucets Match?

Door hardware and faucets can match well if they coordinate. If you’re looking to buy a new faucet and new door handles, you can shop around. Then you can buy the hardware in the same store, so the metal is always consistent.

While mixing metals can work well, there are some benefits to using the same metal in a space. Here are a few reasons why you may want to consider matching the door handles to the faucets.

Uniform Look

If you’re not an interior designer, you may want to ask someone for help. But using the same metal for your door handles and faucets can give you a cohesive look without a designer. You can choose a metal you like and you can get all the hardware you need in that metal.

Your room will look more cohesive with the same metal. As long as that metal matches the walls and furniture, you don’t have to work too hard to style the space. This can be helpful if you have a limited budget but want your home to look good.

Less Decision-Making

Even if you don’t have to have a cohesive look, using the same metal means you have fewer decisions to make in design. You can choose one metal for your faucet and door handles instead of each individually.

If you’re not replacing the faucet, you don’t even have to choose a metal. You can take a picture of the faucet so you can buy matching door handles. When you’re redesigning your home, you have many options, so it can be easier to coordinate the metals in a kitchen or bathroom.

Different Looks in Different Rooms

All of your faucets and door handles don’t have to match throughout the house. You can choose one metal for your kitchen and another for your bathroom. So if you don’t want to give up a lot of control, you can still be creative with your designs.

You can replace one or two faucets if they’re all made of the same metal. Or you can keep them and use the same metal in every room. Consider your design preferences and whether you want the same metal everywhere. Then you can decide if it’s worth it to coordinate metals in every room of your house.

Why You Should Mix Metals

While matching metals can be easy, finding an exact match can be difficult. If you’re keeping an older faucet, you may not be able to find door knobs with the same metal and finish. In that case, you don’t have a choice but to mix metals.

Fortunately, mixing metals can be a good option. As long as the metals don’t overpower each other, two colors and finishes can look good together.

Add Personality

Not every home has to look like one in a magazine. Sometimes, using different metals can give your kitchen or bathroom some personality. It can make the space look unique and you can choose a style that fits you.

You can choose a few metals that complement each other. For example, brass or gold can look very nice with silver. Mixing metals can make your space look modern and refreshed, so you can easily update your home.

Match Your Style

If you like a few metals, you can choose them to accentuate your style. When designing a bathroom, you may not think about style, but you can spend a lot of time there. And your kitchen can be the perfect place to gather with friends and family.

This makes matching metals a great way to showcase your style. You can choose fixtures and door handles that match your ideal aesthetic. Then you can be proud of your home and maybe want more visitors.


If you’re making a lot of changes to your home, your bill can get expensive. You may have to pay a premium for certain hardware to match what you have or another piece you want to buy.

But if you’re willing to mix a few metals, you don’t have to buy a set. You can shop at different stores and find more affordable options. While you don’t want the metals to clash, you have more choices if you’re willing to use more than one metal in a room.

How to Mix Metals in Your Home

If you decide to mix metals in your home, you should be careful. You want to make sure the metals work together and don’t overpower each other. Here are a few steps you can take when mixing metals.

Consider the Room

Take into consideration the colors and design on the walls and throughout the room. Make sure any metals you add will complement the room’s theme so it still looks beautiful.

If you already have a bold accent wall, you may want to choose a few more neutral metals like iron and silver. But if your room is neutral, you can go for a bolder metal like gold. Then you can pair the gold with another metal.

Choose One Metal as a Focal Point

Once you’ve decided on the metals you want to use, choose one as the dominant metal. You can use this for your faucet and door handles. The metal can be the one you notice first when entering the room.

You can use the second metal as an accent. For example, you could use the accent metal for your kitchen knobs. In the bathroom, you could use a second metal for your toilet paper holder, for example.

Have Intent

You should also have some intent for the design when using multiple metals. Even if you’re not an interior designer, think about how you want the room to look and feel. Choose and use metals to highlight those goals for the room.

If you don’t have a plan for the room, it can be easy to get lost in all the hardware options. You can choose “pretty” door handles, but they may not look good in your home. Make sure any metal and hardware you choose serve a purpose in the room.

Don’t Overdo It

Along with intent, try not to choose too many metals. Two metals are a good starting point, especially if you’re not working with an interior designer. You can choose metals that look good together, and you don’t have to make too many decisions.

One metal can serve as the dominant metal, and you can use the other as an accent. This way, both metals can stand out in the room. You don’t have to worry about a bunch of metals and colors competing for your attention, making the space cozier.

Final Thoughts

Door handles and faucets can match, and that can make it easier for you to modernize your home. However, you don’t have to be afraid to mix multiple metals. If you choose to mix, make sure the metals complement each other and that you have intent for each metal.

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