Posted on: 13.12.2023 Posted by: Редакция Comments: 0

Candles are an enchanting addition to any home, so it’s hard to imagine having too many. However, when you have too many candles in a room, it can quickly go from pleasant to overpowering. To avoid overwhelming the senses or compromising the air quality of your home, you’ll want to use an appropriate number of candles in each room – but how many is too many?

More than three candles in a room is too many. You should limit candles based on the size of the room. Never use more than 1-3 candles in a room at any given time. Too many candles in a room can affect the air quality, your mood, and the overall feel of the space.

The rest of this article will explain how to properly arrange candles in your home, the adverse effects of excessive candle use, the benefits of scented versus unscented candles, and some tips for safe candle burning.

Properly Arrange Candles in Your Home

Knowing how many candles to arrange in your home depends on the size and function of each room. For example, burning a candle in a smaller space like a guest toilet or a small bedroom can easily reach the entire room.

However, in a larger room like a living or family room, you may need up to three candles burning simultaneously to achieve the desired atmosphere and cover the entire space.

Scented Candles

When a scented candle burns, it travels through the room, carrying its essence to every nook and cranny.

Have you ever walked into someone’s house and thought, “Wow, it smells good in here!”? Chances are, there are either cookies in the oven or a scented candle burning somewhere nearby.

Candles come in all shapes, sizes, and scents. Since the scent of a candle sets the ambiance, many people choose specific scents that positively influence their mood. In fact, it’s scientifically proven that the part of your brain associated with memory and mood is stimulated by the scent of a scented candle!

Trying to create a calm, relaxing space? You might want to choose a candle with lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood. These scents are known for their soothing properties.

Choose the Right Scented Candle

How do you know which perfumes are suitable for different areas of your home? Take a look at the table below for insight into what emotions different scents are intended to promote.

To promote Candle scents to try
Stress relief Lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood
Romance Orange, rose, or patchouli
Joy Vanilla or jasmine
Productivity Lemon, rosemary, or cinnamon
Energy Peppermint

Whether you’re looking to combat a rough day with the aroma of burning lavender or fill the room with a cool beach scent on a summer day, candles have the power to change the entire mood of a space.

When selecting candles, always consider how multiple scents will react with each other.

Two different scents may smell sensational on their own, but combining the two will have you pinching your nose. Be sure to choose scents that complement each other. Otherwise, always light one scented candle at a time.

Unscented Candles

Eliminating scents may be a good idea if you or someone visiting your home has allergies or asthma.

By choosing an unscented candle, you’ll get the same warm glow without compromising the scent sensitivity of others.

Unscented candles can also be a great alternative to aromatic candles when using them for a purpose other than decoration. Perhaps the power has gone out, and you need candles to illuminate your home. Using unscented candles means you can burn more of them at once without mixing scents and creating an unpleasant odor.

Risks of Excessive Candle Use

Candles are handy for masking the smell of burned food or your teenager’s stinky shoes, creating a peaceful atmosphere around your bubble bath at the end of a stressful day, or filling the room with a pleasant holiday scent before guests arrive for dinner.

While these are all common uses for candles, the carcinogenic toxins released into the air when they burn may be less well-known.

However, it’s worth noting that some studies suggest the amount of toxins released is too low to cause health problems.

Having too many candles can sometimes trigger pre-existing asthma or irritating allergies. When used irresponsibly, candles also pose a fire hazard to your home.

Additionally, if you’ve noticed discoloration on your walls and ceiling, the soot released from burning candles is likely to blame.

If you seem to have an issue with this discoloration, you’ll want to reduce the burn time of your candles. Most candles have a recommended burn time on their labels, and by following these instructions, you and your home can stay safe.

Tips for Using Candles Safely

Before you panic and throw all your candles in the trash, know that these issues are relatively low-risk by burning candles safely and not burning too many at once. Here are a few helpful suggestions to keep the flame burning:

  • Always light candles in a well-ventilated area.
  • Limit the burn time to the candle manufacturer’s recommendation (usually no longer than 4 hours).
  • Trim the wick of your candle before lighting it for the first time. I recommend 1/4″ (6.35 mm).
  • Choose soy or beeswax candles whenever possible instead of petroleum-based candles. Surprisingly, beeswax candles can purify the air by releasing negative ions that remove toxins.
  • Burn unscented candles if you or your guests have any issues with asthma or allergies.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended. Always extinguish the flame before leaving or going to bed.


Candles create a beautiful ambiance in a room, but you don’t want to risk overwhelming the senses or negatively impacting the air quality in your home by burning too many at once. By limiting the number of candles in a room to three or fewer, you reduce the risk of fire or unwanted reactions for you and your guests.

Over the years, candles have become a staple in many households. There’s no denying that candles, when used responsibly, are an enchanting addition to any home.


  • Consultant Directory: Reduce Worries with Scented Candles
  • Blue Ox Heating and Air: Are Candles Bad for Air Quality in Your Home?
  • National Candle Association: Candle Safety
  • National Candle Association: FAQs
  • Healthline: Is Burning Candles Safe or Harmful to Your Health?
  • Oasis Soul Scent Co.: Candle Safety
  • House Fragrance: Where to Place Scented Candles

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