Posted on: 03.12.2023 Posted by: Редакция Comments: 0

Hardwood floors can really bring together a living interior. However, those with hardwood floors know how dangerous they can be (especially if you’re wearing socks). If you’re constantly worried about slipping on your hardwood floor, you’re in the right place.

Here’s how to make your hardwood floors less slippery:

  1. Clean your floors thoroughly and regularly.
  2. Eliminate any spills as they happen.
  3. Use a vinegar solution to clean hardwood floors.
  4. Apply an oil finish to your floors.
  5. Be mindful of moisture residue on the floor.
  6. Wipe your feet before walking on hardwood floors.
  7. Apply a non-slip polish to your floor.
  8. Incorporate rugs and other non-slip surfaces in high-traffic areas.
  9. Refinish an old wood floor to reduce slipperiness.

This article will explain why your hardwood floor might be slippery and what you can do to combat dangerous slipperiness. Keep reading to learn how to make hardwood floors less slippery.

1. Clean your floors thoroughly and regularly

Often, a hardwood floor can become more slippery due to the accumulation of dust and dirt. When dust settles on the floor, it can create a thin layer. Depending on the thickness of the dust layer, it may be difficult to find traction when crossing.

The longer dust and dirt sit in the pores and crevices of your floor, the slipperier the wood material becomes. So if you notice your floor getting slipperier over time, you may not be cleaning it regularly enough.

If possible, you should sweep your hardwood floors at least once a day. In addition to daily sweeping, mopping your floors about once a week can help reduce the buildup of dirt on the surface.

Be sure to use cleaning solutions that are suitable for your floor when mopping to ensure you remove as much dirt as possible. Regular sweeping and mopping can make a big difference in the slip resistance of hardwood floors. Make an effort to do so, and you’ll likely notice a difference in the traction of your floor.

2. Eliminate spills as they happen

It’s easy to spill something on the floor and tell yourself that you’ll clean it up later. However, this can make it extremely easy to completely forget about the mess. This scenario happens frequently when you have young children living in your house. Those with children in their household know that they often spill multiple times a day, and it can be difficult to clean up after them.

However, by forgetting to remove spills on your hardwood floor, you’re contributing to the moisture and dirt that can make it incredibly slippery. Even though it can be annoying to constantly be mindful of spills, it can greatly impact the slipperiness of the floor if you pay attention to spills and promptly clean them up.

Microfiber mops make cleaning quick and convenient

Microfiber mops are an excellent option for spot-treating your floor. They’re perfect when you spill something on a tiny area of your hardwood floor. Once you’ve removed the solid components of what you spilled, you can move the mop over the spill a few times to eliminate any excess moisture and remove the dirt from the hardwood material.

Additionally, most microfiber mops come with spray mechanisms. Mops with spray function are particularly handy for eliminating unexpected spills as they can hold cleaning solutions that combat sticky substances.

If you don’t have a microfiber mop yet, I highly recommend checking out this 5-piece microfiber spray mop on The mop’s flexible design makes it easy to clean areas of your floor that are normally hard to reach. This set also includes additional parts to replace components of the mop that may wear out from frequent use.

3. Use a vinegar solution to clean hardwood floors

If you clean your hardwood floors regularly and they’re still dangerously slippery, you should consider incorporating vinegar into your cleaning routine. As a cleaning agent, vinegar is well-suited for removing wax residue and stubborn buildup that has accumulated on your floors over time. Mix 0.5 cups (125 ml) of vinegar with a gallon (3785 ml) of water and apply it for a thorough cleaning of your floor.

However, be very cautious when deciding to use vinegar on your hardwood floor. Certain hardwood surfaces are sensitive to acidic solutions like vinegar. It’s always good to know what type of surface treatment your floor has to determine if it’s safe to use vinegar in your cleaning.

4. Apply an oil finish to your floors

Many wax finishes are notoriously slippery, especially when wet. However, applying an oil finish to your hardwood floors may prove to be an easy solution for slippery wood floors. When applied to hardwood, oil finishes penetrate deep into the wood material, making oiled surfaces a good choice for anyone looking for a less slippery hardwood floor. If you’re considering refinishing your floor, consider choosing oil instead of wax if you want to reduce its slipperiness.

5. Be mindful of moisture residue on the floor

While it may seem obvious, it’s worth mentioning that when your floor is wet, it makes it even more slippery than usual. Especially after mopping, it’s a good idea to stay away from your hardwood floors until they’re completely dry. However, it’s also important to be vigilant for unexpected sources of moisture that may occur throughout the day.

Hand-dry hardwood floors or let them air dry

Sometimes, you may feel like you need a “Caution Wet Floor” sign to hang in your kitchen after mopping. A freshly mopped floor can pose a serious danger to anyone who happens to walk on it.

There are a few things you can do to minimize the time that your floor is wet. You have two options:

  • Use a towel to quickly hand-dry the floor
  • Use a device like a ceiling fan to increase airflow in the room and expedite the evaporation process.

Be wary of surprise puddles

Additionally, be on the lookout for possible water puddles accumulating on the floor. Areas like the kitchen are particularly prone to unexpected moisture. Stray ice cubes or excess water from the sink can land on the hardwood floor, creating a slippery surprise.

Furthermore, flooring around exterior doors tends to accumulate moisture, especially during rainy seasons. If you live in a place that frequently experiences snow or rain, pay extra attention to water on the floor in these areas.

6. Wipe your feet before walking on hardwood floors

If slippery floors are a particular issue for you during the rainy or snowy season, consider placing a rug or a doormat next to your door. A doormat can absorb excess moisture when people enter from outside.

When family members or guests feel rain and snow on their shoes, water accumulates on the floor, creating a slip hazard. By placing doormats at each entrance and asking others to wipe their feet upon entering, you can protect yourself and your family from dangerously slick floors.

The best non-slip mats for doors

If you’re looking for something with a more understated style, I recommend checking out this natural rubber doormat on Its classic pattern matches any decor theme and effectively grabs any dirt you may track in from outside. This mat is extremely durable, foot-friendly, and available in various colors.

If you’re in the market for a mat with a creative, inviting design, this outdoor welcome mat on will do the trick. This mat has a non-slip rubber bottom, so it won’t slide around when you wipe your feet on it. It’s even available in different sizes to perfectly fit your door frame regardless of its size.

Non-slip mats make a big difference on slippery floors and doors. If slipping is a constant problem for you, these anti-slip mats are worth considering.

7. Apply non-slip polishes to your floor

Certain polishes for hardwood floors can be extremely slippery. If you’re dealing with a heavily slippery hardwood floor, a non-slip surface may be the solution for you. Coating your floor with a non-slip surface is a relatively quick and uncomplicated process.

However, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional before refinishing your floor. Depending on the condition of your floor, it may be safer to have a professional apply the finish.

Anti-slip wood sprays provide traction

Anti-slip wood sprays are often more convenient and easier to apply than a full-fledged non-slip surface. With an anti-slip spray, you can easily provide traction to areas of your home that are prone to getting wet, greasy, or generally slippery.

If you’re interested in using an anti-slip spray, I recommend trying out this Bona hardwood floor cleaning spray on This product receives high ratings and at such a low price, it doesn’t disappoint. Anti-slip sprays are an uncomplicated and quick solution for anyone looking to spot-treat slippery floors.

8. Incorporate rugs in high-traffic areas

Assuming there’s a specific area of your house that constantly proves to be a hazard, in this case, you should consider providing that area with a rug or other non-slip surface.

It’s common for high-traffic areas to become slippery over time. When people repeatedly enter specific areas, a slippery layer of dust and dirt can accumulate on the hardwood surface. Fortunately, rugs are a design-friendly way to reduce the slipperiness in some areas of your home. Choose a rug that matches your decor theme and watch as your home embodies fashion and function.

9. Refinish an old wood floor to reduce slipperiness

Normally, hardwood floors aren’t too slippery when they’re brand new. This lack of slipperiness is due to the condition of the surface.

However, the surface of your floor does wear down over time. As you might expect, walking on your hardwood floors will erode their original surface over the years. As the surface of your hardwood floor ages and accumulates wax and dirt, it becomes much more slippery. In general, most hardwood floors need to be refinished about every ten years.

Have a professional refinish your floors

It’s a good idea to hire a professional to refinish your hardwood floor. The professional will thoroughly sand the floor before applying a new finish. By sanding the floor, the professional removes accumulated wax, polishes, and dirt, all of which contribute to a slippery floor.

If you notice your hardwood floor aging, it’s a good idea to have it refinished. By refinishing your floor, it will not only become less slippery but will also look great!

Final Thoughts

If you’re dealing with an extremely slippery hardwood floor, you don’t have to struggle anymore. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make your beautiful wood floor less dangerous.

Here are a few practical solutions for a slippery wood floor:

  • Clean your floors often and thoroughly.
  • Look for non-slip polishes and mats.
  • Mind the floors in moist areas carefully.
  • Incorporate decorative rugs in high-traffic areas of the house.

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