Posted on: 08.06.2023 Posted by: Редакция Comments: 0

Parquet is a timeless and luxurious choice for look and feel. Whether you’re doing some renovation work or building a new home, you may be wondering if it’s worth the effort to install hardwood floors where they’re likely to be hidden, such as under cabinets.

Hardwood floors should be installed under cabinets, especially if you’re building a new home, as having a continuous flooring offers many benefits. Cabinets may not be able to be moved during remodels or floor replacements, in which case the floor may stop at the cabinet.

The rest of this article explains why you should install hardwood floors under your cabinets and the few exceptions when it’s not a good idea to install flooring under cabinets.

Advantages of Hardwood Floors Installed Under Cabinets

If you ask a group of contractors whether or not to install finished floors under cabinets, you may get differing answers. However, most would tell you that it’s a good idea to install flooring from wall to wall.

The others may argue that it’s a waste of time and money to install hardwood floors in areas where they’ll never be seen, but there are reasons for this extra step. Let’s look at some of those reasons in detail.

Hardwood floors last a long time

Hardwood floors are designed for durability and will outlast many other components of the house, including the cabinets. That means your appliances and cabinets may need to be replaced at some point, and your hardwood floor will still be in good condition (as long as it’s properly maintained).

The last thing you want as a homeowner is to pull out an appliance or replace a cabinet only to find that the new one is smaller and leaves a portion of unfinished floor exposed. It will be much more difficult to properly match the existing hardwood and install a seamless complement to it than it would be to install the flooring from the beginning.

Your hardwood floor will outlive many styles and trends that are popular today. Even if your cabinets last a long time, there’s a possibility that someone (at some point) may want to make some changes to the apartment.

If the hardwood floors aren’t installed flush against the walls, you’ll run into the same problem unless every new item is the same size as the existing ones, which will significantly limit your options.

Even if you simply want the flexibility to remodel your kitchen or bathroom, it’s a good idea to make sure the floor under your cabinets matches the rest of your flooring.

Hardwood flooring protects against water damage

Cabinets are typically installed in rooms where the risk of leaks or appliance overflows is greatest. Whether it’s a dishwasher dripping from below, a refrigerator water line connection, or a problem with plumbing behind a wall, it can have disastrous consequences for a wooden floor that’s not properly sealed.

Floating hardwood floors that are sealed with gaps along the walls offer better protection against water compared to floors that are cut against the edges of cabinets. Floors that aren’t installed wall-to-wall leave the possibility for water to seep under the wood planks and between the flooring and subfloor.

This can be catastrophic and extremely costly to repair. In some cases, a leak of this nature may not even be immediately visible, increasing the potential for extensive water damage.

Installation is easier

To avoid the hassle of installing hardwood floors around cabinets, you’ll need to take additional measurements and make multiple cuts to fit edges and corners. In most cases, it’s much easier (and quicker) to lay the hardwood planks in a standard square or rectangular shape across the entire room instead of working around cabinets.

By placing your hardwood floors under the base cabinets, you also save time and money on installing quarter rounds around the base of each cabinet.

It’s also easier to install the cabinets when there’s a level flooring surface throughout. Using a different type of material to level the floor in the room where the cabinets are installed requires measuring and cutting for that area and the increased costs associated with purchasing the alternative flooring material.

For such a small space, it usually doesn’t make sense to go through the effort as it doesn’t save much money in the end.

Not to mention, installing cabinets directly over the hardwood floor saves you from having to measure and reduce the space underneath and reduces the risk of the items not fitting properly.

Built-in appliances

Nowadays, many appliances and features are integrated into cabinet systems, or they fit perfectly within the cutout, without much room to spare. Installing flooring around these areas can lead to significant issues later on.

For example, many people who install their flooring after the cabinets end up tearing up the floor if their dishwasher breaks down.

Installing the new flooring under the cabinets (or prior to cabinet installation) eliminates the potential for this issue.

When Not to Install Hardwood Floors Under Cabinets

Given that it’s usually a good idea to install finished floors from wall to wall, there are still a few exceptions to that.

You have floating floors: If you’re installing a floating floor, you may not want to install the new floor under cabinets. Floating floors need room to expand and contract, which they do over time and with changes in temperature, humidity, and general wear and tear.

If something very heavy (like cabinets) is placed on top of the floor, it may not be able to move properly, leading to damages like bulges or buckling.

The cabinets can’t be removed: If you’re installing new flooring during a remodel, that means you have to remove the cabinets, install the flooring, and then re-install or replace the cabinets. In some cases, doing this safely may be extremely difficult (or impossible), or the task is so challenging that it doesn’t make sense to bother with it.

If your cabinets are built-in and can’t be removed or if they contain electrical or plumbing components, you may decide not to install flooring underneath. In this case, you can run the flooring right up to the edge, and it will still look neat and clean. This is especially true if you have the flooring professionally installed, as the transition will look seamless.

The installation is too costly: Sometimes, it’s just the cost of removing the cabinets, clearing the space, and re-installing the flooring after it’s been laid that comes with additional costs that don’t make sense or exceed the project’s budget. In this case, it may be better to skip this process and simply run the flooring up to the edge of the cabinets.

Many homeowners and builders believe that it’s pointless to install flooring in areas that will never be seen. However, it usually comes down to personal preferences and budget.

If budget is a factor, there’s nothing wrong with skipping on installing new floors under cabinets; just keep in mind that it may incur additional costs if the cabinets ever need to be replaced.


Most people choose to install hardwood floors under cabinets for three main reasons:

  • Hardwood floors usually outlast cabinets, meaning someone may want to replace them at some point before new floors are installed.
  • It’s easier to install hardwood floors across an entire room rather than cutting around cabinets, and you might otherwise block access to built-in appliances.
  • Leaking and overflowing water will be able to get between unsealed flooring.

However, it depends on your preferences, budget, and your builder’s recommendation.

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