Posted on: 19.07.2022 Posted by: Редакция Comments: 0

Typically, before finalizing the purchase of a home, a buyer will have a home inspector come and take a look at it. Even if they have already signed the contract, the closing usually depends on whether or not the home inspector finds the home satisfactory. Preparing for a home inspection can be nerve-wracking, but if you follow the tips in this article, you will handle it with ease. 

Clean your home and fix anything that is broken before your home inspection. Repair broken doors, cabinets, windows, porch boards, roof tiles, siding, toilets, etc. Look for leaks, reseal your bathtubs, check for insect or rodent infestations, and replace your HVAC filters. 

In this article, I will discuss how to prepare for a home inspection. I will also explain what a home inspector typically looks for and what you need to repair before the inspector checks your home. 

What is a Home Inspection? 

A home inspection is typically the final step in the home buying process. A buyer usually finalizes the purchase agreement after a professional home inspector has looked at the home. Even if they sign the agreement, the closing often depends on the approval of the home inspector. 

So, what does a home inspector look for? The home inspector is trained to look for defects in your home that may not be obvious to the buyer, who is just a layperson. There are many defects that may not be obvious to the untrained eye. 

For example, the inspector will examine the foundation, walls, structure, HVAC system, plumbing system, and electrical system. They make sure that everything is functioning properly, has been well-maintained, is in top shape, and does not have any safety issues. 

They may also look at things like your lights, outlets, oven and gas system, garage door system, and carbon monoxide detectors. If you are selling your home with appliances like a refrigerator, those appliances can be checked. They can look for leaks, insulation issues, or installation problems. They check your attic and basement, if present. 

The home inspection ensures that you are not hiding any defects and that the buyer is not left with expensive repairs to make after the purchase. 

What a Seller Needs to Do Before a Home Inspection

In this section, I will go over the things you need to take care of before a home inspection if you are selling your home. If you follow these tips, the inspection will go smoothly. 

1. Get a pre-inspection 

That’s right – it pays to invest in a pre-inspection. If you are serious about selling your home to a buyer with whom you want to close a deal, you should be prepared to spend some money on hiring your own home inspector. By hiring your own home inspector, you can discover any defects before the buyer does. Don’t wait for the buyer’s home inspector to show up and point out what is wrong with your home – at that point; you could lose the deal. 

In fact, it’s even better if you can hire an inspector to perform a pre-inspection as soon as you put your home on the market, before you have a serious agreement with a specific buyer. This way, you can show the buyers that your home has been inspected. Your home will sell more easily. 

Of course, the buyer may later decide to hire their own home inspector, in whom they trust, before closing the deal. Maybe not, but the point is to show them that you are addressing issues honestly and openly and not trying to hide anything. 

Another advantage of a pre-inspection is that the buyer will not be able to twist your arm during negotiations. If the buyer notices a problem during the inspection, they may decide to negotiate a better price instead of canceling the deal altogether. 

That’s completely fair – after all, they will have to pay for the repairs they will have to make to the home later. However, the amount they try to negotiate can result in you losing more than if you had simply fixed the problem yourself. 

2. Clean the house 

The home inspector does not check how clean of a person you are or how well you can brush and mop your floor. Cleanliness is not one of the things that home inspectors look for, but first impressions are very important. That’s why it’s important to keep your home clean and tidy. Home inspectors look beyond this, but a perfectly tidy home leaves a great first impression. 

3. Make everything accessible 

You want to clean up your home so that the home inspector can easily access all the areas they need to inspect. For example, if something is blocking the gas furnace, be sure to remove it. If you haven’t been to the attic in a while, make sure the attic hatch is working properly and not broken. If you use your basement for storage, tidy it up so that an inspection can be conducted. 

Make sure that nothing is preventing them from conducting a thorough inspection. Again, it boils down to leaving a good first impression and showing the inspector that you are being as honest as possible. If they can’t access certain areas or appliances, they may think you are trying to hide something. 

Make sure not only that everything inside your home is accessible, but also that any areas outside of your home that need to be inspected are also accessible. For example, the inspector may want to take a look at your foundation footing. Be sure to trim any bushes or trees outside of your home that are blocking access. And definitely, do not stack trash and discarded materials in front of your home. 

One thing that many homeowners and sellers forget about is the electrical panel. If the electrical panel is not accessible, the home inspector cannot check it. Also, make sure that the breakers are properly labeled. If they are not and the home inspector is confused, valuable time will be wasted. 

4. Repair the exterior of the home 

Not only clean the interior of your home and make sure your home is accessible, but also the exterior of your home. Trim any trees and bushes in your front yard. Clean your gutters – make sure they are not clogged. If you have trash lying around, pick it up. Consider power washing your exterior siding, driveway, and front porch if they haven’t been cleaned in a while and look dirty. 

5. Check the roof 

The roof is often a forgotten part of your home. However, the home inspector will most likely look at it, so it’s important to prepare it before the inspector comes. Remove any leaves, dirt, and other debris from your home. You may find that some shingles or tiles are missing; if so, replace them. Make sure the downspout is not clogged and nothing is blocking it. If there is moss growing on your roof, have it removed. 

6. Repair the light fixtures 

If there are light bulbs burned out in your home, replace them. Non-functioning lighting not only leaves a bad first impression but can also force the home inspector to check if there is a problem with the electrical wiring in your home. Checking this will waste both your and their time. Instead, make sure that all the lights in your home are functioning properly. Even if the home inspector comes during the day, they will most likely check the lighting. 

7. Check the windows and doors 

Inspect all of your windows and doors, both from the inside and outside. Some windows may appear cracked on the outside. Others may not be properly sealed, allowing rain to enter. Make sure all windows close properly and lock. 

Also, check the doors. Make sure the doors close properly and are securely attached to the hinges. Make sure door handles are securely attached and that you can lock each door. 

8. Have an HVAC inspection 

If you haven’t had your HVAC system checked in a while, have a professional inspect it. Dirt and dust can accumulate in your HVAC system and reduce its effectiveness. If your system is old, it may no longer meet industry quality standards, and you may want to have it replaced before selling your home. 

The thermostat should be accurate, and your system should be able to heat or cool your entire home without working overtime. If you have portable devices in your home, they should not be losing too much water. 

If it has been a while since you replaced your filters, replace them before the inspection. Ideally, you should replace the filters every three months during use. So if it has been a few months, get new ones. 

9. Repaint walls and cabinets 

If you have walls that are in dire need of painting, repaint them before the inspector comes. That is if you have not already repainted them when you started selling your home. A well-painted home that looks good has more value than a home with dirty streaks from children on the walls. 

You should also look at your cabinets and touch up any paint that is peeling off. Consider not only repainting your cabinets and drawers but also repairing them if needed. Cabinet doors may be coming off the hinges, and some may not close properly. The same goes for drawers. Also, handles may be loose or falling off. 

10. Check the pipes, showers, and toilets 

It is also important to ensure that your plumbing system is functioning properly. First, look for leaks near pipes, especially under your kitchen and bathroom sinks. Also, look in your basement for puddles near pipes that run through the walls. 

Check your toilets and make sure they all flush properly, are not clogged, and are not leaking any water (of course, make sure your bathrooms are super clean and have an air freshener to smell good). Make sure your sinks and bathtubs do not fill up when the water is running. 

Check the caulk in your bathtubs and around your sinks to make sure it is complete and not missing or damaged in any areas. If it is, apply new caulk. Make sure the water pressure in your home is good; if the water pressure is low, the pipes may be blocked by something. 

You should also look for water puddles accumulating outside your home. A very wet and muddy front yard can also indicate a broken pipe. 

11. Repair the porch 

Make sure your porch does not have loose boards or tiles. If it is dirty, wash it with a powerwasher. If the support columns are weak or infested, replace them. You may need to redo your entire porch if it has been a while. 

12. Make sure the stove and fireplace work 

Make sure the gas in your home is functioning properly. Check your oven and make sure all flames light up smoothly. If you have a fireplace and do not use it often, expect the home inspector to check it, so make sure the pilot light is on and easily ignites. 

13. Get your home inspected for infestation 

If you suspect that your home may be infested with bugs, have your home inspected for bug or rodent infestation before the home inspector comes. If you already see signs of rodent or insect infestation, it is important to call a professional and eradicate the insects. 

You may also need to make some repairs to your home – for example, if rodents have made a hole in your attic and entered your home that way, you will need to repair the hole to prevent any more rodents from entering. 

Here are some of the most common signs of rodent or insect infestation: 

  • Urine streaks on the floor or walls
  • Rodent droppings in your attic or basement
  • Chewed wires 
  • Lots of bugs in your basement (more than usual)
  • Squeaking or scratching sounds coming from your attic or inside your walls. 

Professional home inspectors are experts at noticing such things. 

14. Get yourself and your pets out of the way 

Take your pets out of the way on the day of the inspection (or a day beforehand). Having pets around on the day of the inspection can lead to some issues. They can urinate or defecate on the floor right before the inspector is supposed to show up. 

Also, it is important to get out of the way yourself. You do not want it to look like you are breathing down the inspector’s neck. Let them do their thing without being interrupted or followed by you. Give them full access to your home and do not try to tell them what to do or where to go. 

The exception is if something is not obvious and needs to be pointed out. For example, if you have a skylight that only opens once, be sure to inform the inspector how to open it so they can make sure it is functioning properly. 

15. Gather records of past inspections 

If you have records or receipts from past inspections, collect them. You can present them to the home inspector as evidence that you have been taking care of your home. Records of annual or semi-annual inspections of plumbing, HVAC, electrical, and other inspections will show the inspector that everything is in order. 

Things to Fix Before a Home Inspection 

This section includes a checklist of things you should repair before a home inspection (only if they are broken, of course). It is important to fix them all before the inspector arrives. 

  • Leaky toilets, sinks, or pipes
  • HVAC system not heating or cooling your home
  • Broken doors or windows that don’t close or lock
  • Broken cabinets
  • Clogged toilets or sinks
  • Burned-out light fixtures
  • Roof in need of repair
  • Siding with missing shingles
  • Floors with loose tiles
  • Missing caulking around your sink or bathtub
  • Garage door opener not working
  • Broken stairs
  • Broken or loose porch boards

Here is a checklist of 10 things that every seller needs to do before a home inspection:


It is normal to be nervous before a home inspection. However, if you follow the tips and checklist in this article and make sure everything is ready before the home inspector visits you, you should have nothing to worry about. Those who are unprepared have something to worry about. If you get a pre-inspection, you won’t have to worry. 

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